Highlights of the One News Editorial Policy

We take great pride in the quality of the content created by onewsing (One News). To ensure a consistently high quality of content, we follow strict editorial guidelines. 

Key features are listed below:

1. Referencing From Multiple Sources:
A. We verify the authenticity of each post from at least three sources to ensure their accuracy.
B. We read multiple articles on each post, extract the common facts which emerge and then create original content for the post.
C. This referencing technique helps us to ensure that no post reflecting on One News is unbiased or un-opinioned.

2. Review Process:
A. Our every post goes through multiple layers of the review process. Starting from the first that is self-review process in which the creator of the post reviews his created post based on a carefully designed internal checklist which ensures that the post meets the language, grammar, plagiarism and content guidelines.
B. At the second layer of the review process, we use smallseotools –online plagiarism software, then the content editor again ensures improper content if there is any and also make sure that each of the guidelines is met.
C. To constantly keep making our review process better, we introduced an additional layer of review called SGF (spelling, grammar, and fact) check to ensure that all our Posts are error-free to the extent possible.

3. No Place For Plagiarism:
A. Being copycat is not our way. Creativity is our only way to be distinct. There is no place for plagiarism in our post and any violation is not tolerated.
B. We apply high anti-plagiarism standards and above 15% of plagiarism, we considered it as plagiarized content. If sentence or sentences form part of a direct quote, then we do not consider it to be plagiarism.
C. We also use smallseotools –online plagiarism software which applies similar high standards and flags any post which does not meet this standard.

4. IP Infringement Policy:
A. We value our intellectual property and similarly respect the intellectual property of others.
B. Our creators ensure that images used for our posts are either based on open source material or used based on a specific license. We use only those images directly or with modification which are labeled as free to use or reuse with modification respectively.
C. The multi-layer review process and the internal checklist ensure that the source of each image on the posts is appropriately recorded.

5. Consistency In Language And Style:
A. To ensure consistency in the language of our posts, we follow grammar styles.

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